family beach photo

Welcome to Rebecca Jaggi Photography!!

I am excited to launch this new website and begin a new chapter in my career.  Long story short, I am a photographer who took a personal hiatus from my business but now I’m back and it’s going to be better than ever. I’m starting a new website, blog, and business which is currently registered in Rhode Island.  I put some of my previous work into blog posts for those of you who would like to browse more of my images. (Feel free to skip there now if you only wanted the short story).

A little more about me and how I came to photography. 

The only professional photos I had taken of me growing up were school pictures and group family photos at Sears or JC Penny’s. Even my senior high school pictures were taken by a friend, who was a fellow high school student.  Most people finally get professional pictures taken at their wedding, but we just had a family member take our pictures for free. I never really understood the value of professional portraits until after the birth of my first son. I documented his life with our little point and shoot camera. The pictures were blurry, out of focus, poorly exposed, and full of distractions (which is better than nothing).  Luckily, around this time, my former roommate was just getting her photography business started. She took some of the most beautiful pictures of my baby I had ever seen, and suddenly I caught the vision. 

Those photos inspired me to learn how to create and capture beautiful images.  I enjoy learning and I feel constantly driven to grow and improve in my craft. In my time as a photographer I have been able to shoot around the world.  My husband’s work in the military and life in general has taken us to Oregon, Utah, Wyoming, California, Nebraska, Japan, Florida, and we are currently stationed here in Rhode Island. 

I have always been drawn to beautiful images, especially of people. Years ago, I could scroll for hours on Facebook photography groups and admire the amazing work of other photographers (a hobby which I have spent waaay too much of my life doing). I have always enjoyed looking through my pictures with my husband and kids and remembering all of life’s big and little adventures.  However, my appreciation for the power of images has changed from one of superficial amusement to a much deeper appreciation of what photography can offer.

I don’t share this experience lightly.  It is one of the greatest struggles of my life and there is so much in my heart and soul that I am not yet ready to share.  However, it is a part of my life and has shaped me into who I am right now. My heart was broken. I lost interest in a lot of things and photography was one of them.  During my hiatus from photography, I have come to understand the real value of photographs, and now find that I am drawn back to it with deeper conviction than I ever had before. 

My husband and I were expecting our fourth child, a little girl named Brooklyn. We had had a completely healthy pregnancy and were ready and excited to welcome baby Brooklyn into our home. When the big day finally came, we went to the hospital, got all checked in (just like we had with our three previous deliveries), and then moments before her birth the doctor told us our little girl had passed away and there was nothing they could do. This little beautiful spirit that we had waited and prayed for was gone.  I cannot begin to describe the things that we were feeling. Only a parent who has lost a child knows that kind of pain. 

I will be forever grateful that, in those few hours we got to spend with her, I had my camera with me and was able to take some pictures of my beautiful baby girl. I was able to document the small amount of time we were able to spend with her in this life.  Those images, while imperfect, are so so valuable to me. Without them, my mind cannot retain the details; her perfect face, her sweet lips, her soft hair, even the pain of holding a child we had just lost. While these things are painful, these images have helped me so much through my grieving process and helped bring some degree of comfort and healing.  

I have a deeper understanding of what photographs can do.  I used to primarily like photography because I loved looking at beautiful things.  I have since learned that in addition to being beautiful they can and should have a much greater meaning and purpose. I continually strive to document the fleeting little things in life; the fact that my children grow and change daily, the big events that happen, as well as the small intricacies of daily life.

I try to find joy in the often treacherous struggles of life.  Life is hard. Life can be painful. However, it also has so much wonder, beauty, and joy.  My hope as a photographer is that I can help you document, in a meaningful way, some of the love and joy in your life with precious photos that will be both beautiful and meaningful to you.